The Benzinga Pro team knows that traders and investors on the platform are heavily focused on "compareables", or stocks that have similarities on a number of factors. Therefore, this new change provides users a list of "peers" to help them research similar companies and make purchase decisions.
You can now take a specific stock, find companies competing with it in the same sector, and evaluate many variables related to these competing securities.
Below is the list of data that Benzinga Pro users will get access to about a stock's peers with the Peers feature:
Market Cap
Annual Revenue
Shares Outstanding
Price to Earnings Ratio
Dividend Yield
Here is a step by step procedure to utilize the Peers feature on Benzinga Pro:
Enter the platform.
Click on the "Details" widget on the left side bar.
Enter any given security in the search bar and press enter.
Select the "Peers" button on the far right of menu bar directly under the searched security's name and above its charts.
Similar to the rest of Benzinga Pro's tools, the Peers feature will go a long way to helping you beat the markets.